About Us Pigs (in pudding)

The Head Hog :
Hello fellow piggies. I’m Chrissy “Head Hog” Rose, (be prepared for more pig puns). I’m the managing director of “Pigs In Pudding Publications.” We are a brand spanking new company, with just three members. We started in July 2024 as an eBook publishing company for teenagers BUT!!! We quickly became bored with that so are now creating animations and a graphic novel. The main role of Janet and myself is to deal with all the admin, leaving our brilliant artist, Jacob Kerry, to bring Astrid to life. Who is Astrid? I hear you squeal (I warned you about the pig puns) There are two!! The younger Astrid who is 18 has time travelling adventures and is the character for a younger audience (Ages 13+). The older Astrid, in the upcoming graphic novel, is 28. This graphic novel is for a mature audience (Ages 16 to Adult). Below is a quick glimpse of "The Sentinel Path" coming soon (subscribe on the YouTube channel for updates to this project).
Any Questions?
Hit "Contact" above or email us directly at "squealmail@pigsinpudding.com". If you are interested in the production of the series, we have a separate YouTube channel, with interviews and explanations from our team. Links at the top. Bye for now lovely piggies.
Chrissy Rose